Buying camera and lens by mail order. : LUSENET : Buying Camera and Lens : One Thread

I would like to buy the Nikon N80 and one of the telephoto len. I was reading Popular Photography the other day and found some mail order deal incredible. For a little over $400, the buyer can get the Nikon N80, two telephoto lens (28mm-80mm and 80mm-200mm), plus tripod and case. How could that be? Are these retailer for real? Does anybody had experience with them? Please advise.

-- Sammy Goldberg (, April 09, 2002


I have bought a very nice N80 camera kit from Broadway Photo of New York. The cost was approximately $475 ($10 more than the advertise price)which include N80, 28-80mm and 80-200mm, plus a small tripod. The $10 extra is for the English instruction book.

-- john petersons (, April 09, 2002.

I had bad experience with Braodway before. These guys are crooks. If I were you, I would rather go to the local store and check out the price first. Also, try to find out which dealer is honest.

-- eric normal (, April 12, 2002.

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