Our tremendous responsibility

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In Luke 10:23 Jesus tells His disciples, "Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see but did not see it, and hear what you hear but did not hear it."

What a tremendous responsibility that lays on us! To live in an age and a place where we have the whole revelation of Scripture. To live in a time and place where many of us have ready access to Bibles, all manner of study aids, books, commentaries, as well as great schools, churches, and teachers. Even media and the net are widely used to put the knowlege out there. Never have the tools for revelation of the things of God been so widely available. Praise God!

And yet how massive is the darkness that is all around us. In the midst of such light the darkness can seem overwhelming. Even in some of our own families there is darkness. Considering the fact some of us don't teach our own children, who is even thinking of places like far western China, where Christianity is virtually unknown?

Who is going to take the light into to the darkness that so pervades this world? The unsaved? No, there's only one group that can do this, and that is the Body of Christ. There is no other alternative. Jesus didn't give us the Great Commission for no reason. It should become a personal obsession with us. Today, meditate on the huge responsibility that is yours as a Christian, and let it drive you to ask what God would have you to do.

-- Anonymous, April 08, 2002


It is my prayer that the Holy Ghost enflame me with the passion to study the scriptures to gain understanding and have the ability, under His anointing, to articulate the reason for the hope that is within me to all I daily encounter.  Redeeming the time and placing Kingdom matters at the forefront of what I think, live and speak about, not my selfish agenda.  

May the Lord to humble myself and submit to God's mandate of holiness by being salt and light in this world.  Jonathan Edwards said this, "Resolved, never to do anything, which I should be afraid to do, if I expected it would not be above an hour, before I should hear the last trump."  

Lord, empower me to live a life on 'standby' daily.

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2002

Rob thank you so much for raising the point about our responsibility as christians. The great commission is a mandate! I was not able to attend the mid-year convocation for the fifth district but my daughter attended and the president of our Women Missionary Society. Our Bishop John Bryant and our Episcopal supervisor Rev. Dr. Cecilia Bryant had sessions about "reaching the asian and latin community" We have to go and give the good news. I am proud that our Bishop is reaching out to these communities. My church will be doing some revivals on the indian reservations this summer to spread the gospel message and share the story of the A.M.E church. You asked who will go to China? I don't know, but I do have faith that God is calling missionaries to do this work. There are many christians in China who have been put to death because of their faith. God bless you Rob for reminding us of our responsibilities as Christians.

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2002

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