Please Pray for our Bishops and Elected : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread |
With the major changes in the administration of our Church Denomination (including the changes in the First District). I believe we need to take a moment to pray for our Leaders. There are many important issues facing our Church and the times are not easy. Let us pray for the Holy Spirit to move amongst our leaders that God's will (not necessarily ours)be done.Let us also pray for those who seek to serve God by the elevation of Episcopal Honors. We need sowers and fishermen (women included)to help us increase the outreach and Kingdom Building we are called to press for.
Blessings to you all
-- Anonymous, April 07, 2002
Brother Nalton thank you for lifting up our church leaders. In our church we keep our Bishop and his family on our prayer list at all times. Sunday we celebrated a belated founder's day because I had been sick during founder's day in february. Because we are new to the denomination I wanted my congregation to have a celebration this year. And not have to wait until next year. We had the United Methodist Church choir, an episcopal priest and lutheran minister take part in our celebration, they all gasped in shock when I told everyone that Bishop Bryant presides over 14 states. That statement was even more poignant because all three of the denominations at our celebration are also headed by Bishops. Our Bishops and Episcopal supervisors work very, very, hard. Thank you again for lifting them up in prayerBrother Nalton.
-- Anonymous, April 08, 2002