A deep dry cough for a nubian

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hi there. Thanks for the responses to the question about my nubian. I checked her teeth and looks like she has two permanent ones. So she's a year. But her heart girth is no where near 28inches and it's not even matching up with her weight. She only weighs 17lbs!! and her girth is 18inches. We brought her in the basement because the wind has been bad here and the little area we have for her isn't adequate yet. We're still giving her penicillin and we bought some grain for her. She seems to have perked up but now she has that dry deep cough. Could she have a viral infection and she needs some extra TLC?

-- Wendy Hodorowski (wendy@express-graphics.com), April 07, 2002


Hi Wendy, there is no way you have a Nubian who only weigh 17 pounds at a year old, even if she is stunted from sickness. The deep cough could be a couple of things, first and more than likely it is simply from old untreated pnemonia. Or....now that you have her on some grain, she is coughing up a cud? Or....if she came from very wet land, she has lung worm. Either a trip to a knowledgeable vet or a trip to a knowledgeable goat person is in order........or the refriderator method. Worm her, put her on a sulfa, which will not only clean up any cocci from the stress of the move, but also will help if she does have some bacterial pnemonia. Trim her feet, and vaccinate her, either treat her for lice or really look through her hair and make sure she is bug free. If her eyelids and gums are a healthy pink than you are luck, if she is grey or white, than she is anemic. Repeat the worming, vaccinations and cocci/sulfa at 21 days. A dairly does of Probios will help. Find her a good quality hay to eat along with the grain, which should be given only in very small quaities. Perhaps your doe is a pygmy or nigerian cross with Nubian? How about some pictures? Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (Nubians) (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), April 07, 2002.

Hi Wendy, We just lost a little (20 pound)one year old Alpine. We had him at the vet for a few days before he died. He had liver damage due from salmonella poisoning the vet guessed and it was due to his goat parents. Have a liver panel done. If it is the case dying from liver disease is an awful death. It was not caused from liver flukes as some may guess. Good luck with your little doe.

-- Julie (dabanks@harbornet.net), April 07, 2002.

sorry, that is definately not a 1 year old nubian , no way, mini nubian?, still i dont think so.....

the cough is a leftover pnuemonia cough, should clear up once it warms, but , JIC, treat her for it, like vicki said :)

-- Beth Van Stiphout (willosnake@hotmail.com), April 08, 2002.

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