Want to purchase Canon FD 135mm f2.0greenspun.com : LUSENET : Canon FD : One Thread |
I am interested in purchasing a Canon FD 135mm f2.0 lens, are there any sellers out there? I have a Canon FD 135mm f3.5 but I do a lot of night flash & existing light work and it's hard to focus after dark, and and extra stop or two never hurts! Please advise if anyone has a 135 f2.0 for sale. Thanks!Gary
-- Gary Kitchen (gkitchen@rapidsys.com), April 07, 2002
I saw one here in Perth, Australia today. I can get the contact details for you tomorrow if this is not too far away.
-- Colin House (Colin_House@CityofPerth.wa.gov.au), April 17, 2002.