John Ashcroft & : LUSENET : Gore 2004 : One Thread |
What is ther to say really? The man lost an election to the DEAD OPPOSITIONS WIFE! So what does this administration do? They make him ATTORNEY GENERAL! Hey John SHOW ME your butt going out of the door in 2004!(AFTER YOU HANG A BIG BLUE CURTAIN IN FRONT OF IT THAT IS!) A WHOLE STATE FULL OF PEOPLE CAN'T BE WRONG! But then again they are just part of THAT GROUP OF 60 MILLION POTENTIAL TERRORISTS AREN'T THEY?Hey Whitman! Why don't you see HOW MUCH MORE COASTLINE YOU CAN KILL WITH CHEMICAL RUNOFF! Not to mention the BIG BLACK HOLE IN THE GULF OF MEXICO! Get ready because HURRICANE SEASON IS COMING!
-- Florida Cowboy (, April 07, 2002