Fitting a 50mm EL-Nikkor on an Omega D5 Condenser w/ turret : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I have an Omega D5 condenser enlarger with a 3 lens turret. I am trying to fit my old 50mm EL-Nikkor on this turret, but to mount it I need a lens cone because of the rear lens element sticking out. I am then not able to focus because the lens can't be brought close enought to the film. Is there a way to mount a different 50mm lens on this turret? If so what lenses fit, and are good buys? If not, what would you recommend, a 75mm, separate lens boards, other ideas?

-- Larry Gebhardt (, April 06, 2002


We solved this problem (at the corporation where I work) by having the macine shop make a custom lens plate, just thick enough to clear the back element of the 50mm. It will then focus at the top of the XL column. Not an option for most people, I admit, but it works quite well.

-- Mark Sampson (, April 08, 2002.

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