Stove up goat? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have a 1 1/2-2 year old male goat that is walking around with what looks like his hip joints are locked up. He puts me in the mind of a ballerina 'toeing it'. This just started about 2 weeks ago, and he hardly ever comes out of his shack, but when he does, thats what he looks like. He has been wormed, and we give them the mineral block and cracked corn, in addition to the 'scrubby' stuff he seeks out on his own. Taking him to the vet is more than I can pay for right now, can anyone help? Thanks!!

-- Deb Schweigert (, April 06, 2002


Has he been tested for CAE?

-- Rebekah (, April 06, 2002.

Deb. I recently had a doe that did the same thing. She initially got stiff in the back legs and then finally couldn't get up at all. Had the vet out several times (it wasn't CID) and after all else failed started giving her mega doses of Pet Tinic which is Thiamine, Riboflavin, VB6 & VB12 plus extra Niacin (injections and oral). It took 2 wks but she is fine now. Also took her off all feed except oats and good hay. Gave her bute for a while. Other than she couldn't get up, she ate, drank and everything else was fine. Hope this helps.

-- Nancy Lane (, April 06, 2002.

I am a Naturopath, but also work with animals :) You might try a mixture of colloidal silver and digestive enzymes - it has worked on similar situations - email for details

-- Dr. Barbara D Stewart, N.D. (, April 06, 2002.

I recently had a nanny die from a calcium deficiency. Goats are very prone to this. Vet says some of it is genetics. Should have free access to GOAT minerals. These come in granular form. Do not use block or minerals made for other animals. This may help you.

-- Carole Kington (, April 08, 2002.

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