Found our new homesteaders : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Too day we found our new homestead owners, We have been looking for new owners of a country home and land for the past several weeks. To day we found them. They noticed a post I made a couple of weeks a go and emailed us. They finally managed the trip and we agreed on a deal we both liked. We get good neighbors, they get a completely remodeled house and large lot with the use of the surrounding fifty acres of land untill they can arrange to purchase it. The wife showed her through the herb garden and is going to give her enough plants to start her own. They are already planning to start weaving, spinning, and quilting to gether. He wants to learn to wood carve. They have animals, we don't so they will be suppling us probable with meat and us with teaching them what we have learned with the past 65 years of homesteading between me and the wife. We are not going to have to spend time fooling with a house we didn't want and they have a homestead at a price that will fit their income. We have a win-win thing, thats a good thing. Yes I intended to quote Martha

-- David in North Al. (, April 06, 2002


Congrats Dave!!! It's always a great feeling to make new friends. Good luck and have fun. Kim

-- kim in indiana (, April 06, 2002.

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