Sick kids!!! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
About three weeks ago I purchased 3 kids at a local auction. A couple of days after they started having scours so I started treating with scour stop and electrolytes. When we finished treating with this and the scours had not stopped we did a fecal and found cocci so we have been treating this for 4 days but 2 of the kids are still scouring. I have also noticed that they have had runny eyes. Help! -Lynn
-- Lynn Estabrooke (, April 05, 2002
Milk replacer gives you scours, scours gives you stress, which gives cocci and worms the invironment they need to multiply quickly and this gives you death.What are you treating with? I would use a sulfa, since this would also help with the running eyes, which is probably upper respiratory. Course 3 weeks is also the incubation period for pinkeye, which you could also have brought home from the auction. Go to make sure you are giving enough of whatever you are using for cocci. I purchase sulfaquinoxiline 20% from they are a vet office so the gallon jug of this can eaisly be made into pints. You only have to use 2cc per 50 pounds for 5 days. Dimethox, Albon and sulmet all can be purchased at larger feed stores, and they sometimes do carry sulfaquin. Just like all things goats, you do not give it at the cattle dosage. If you are already on a sulfa and you are still seeing scours than it is something else besides cocci. They need to be wormed. Or you are seeing scours from the milk replacer. Milk replacer is fine on older kids who are also getting nutrition from grain and or hay and browse. You have to really know what you are doing to raise a kid on replacer from day one. If you aren't dealing with scours you will be dealing with bloat. Add up all the meds, vet bills, death etc., was it really cheaper to buy from an auction rather than a reputable breeder? This isn't aimed at you only, look at the board and read all the sick, dead and dieing goat and calf threads, what is the common dinominator? Buying from someone you don't know, buying from auction and using milk replacer! Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh TX (Nubians) (, April 05, 2002.
Gee, I am going to be brave & disagree with Vicki. I have never had kids scour from replacer. I use lamb milk replacer. Also never had a problem with bloat either. I think a lot of people do not follow the directions for mixing. They usually water it down. It needs to be mixed as directed. I have fed this from the beginning on Lamanchas, Nubians, & Pygmies with no problems. That is after 2 days of colostrum. You take a big chance buying from auctions. You never know if the kids got the required colostrum. If not, you are fighting a losing battle. There is no way to know. Other than the replacer thing, I agree with Vicki on the treatments you need to try. Ok, going to hide now. ;-)
-- Wendy (, April 05, 2002.
I am a Naturopath, but also work with animals. You might try finding some good colloidal silver and liquid digestive enzymes - we have used this on various client's animals, and it seems to work well - email me for details
-- Dr. Barbara D Stewart, N.D. (, April 06, 2002.