does mcmurray hatchery immunize? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
does anyone know if mcmurray (or murray mcmurray?...whatever hehe) hatchery immunize the day old chicks before they are shipped? if so, is it included in the price and what immunization(s) are administered? i emailed them, asking, but it's been about quite a few days and i haven't received a response yet...i'm just a little impatient hehe. so, i decided i'd ask you guys!! whoo hoo!
-- C (, April 05, 2002
yes, merek's disease and it is like $0.10 per chick...but my catalog is 1998.
-- westbrook (, April 05, 2002.
yes they immunize, but only if you ask them too , and pay a small fee.. i personally dont know off hand how much it is, i am sure thier site would say
-- Beth Van Stiphout (, April 05, 2002.
I just got my chicks and I had them immunized for Mareks Disease and it is 11 cents per chick. It is the only immunization they offer and really the only one you need.
-- Karen (, April 05, 2002.
call them and ask, they are very helpful over the phone. Their number is: 800-456-3280
-- cindy palmer (, April 05, 2002.