Quick condenser to diffusion conversiongreenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
I recently started shooting 4x5 and purchsed a used Omega D5 condenser enlarger. For 35mm I have been using a diffusion enlarger. After adjusting my processing times I have gotten used to the contrast increase over my diffusion enlarger. I currently have a small darkroom, actually a bathroom, and I don't have room for 2 enlargers. I would like to know if there is an easy, and cheap, way to conver my enlarger to diffusion for my older 35mm negs. Would a piece of ground glass work? Where would I put it. If it requires buying a new head I will just figure out a way to use my old enlarger.
-- Larry Gebhardt (larry@gebhardts.net), April 05, 2002
Unless there is something I don't know about, you would need to buy a new head. Color heads for Omega D5's are often available on eBay for a reasonable price. If you do this, make sure the power source is included, as well as the proper mounting brackets. I think you will like it so much that you will use it to print your 4x5s as well.
-- Jim Rock (jameswrock@aol.com), April 05, 2002.
For kicks get some sheets of vellum, frosted thin plastic, from an art or office supply store. Cut it to fit directly on top of the condensers.
-- Tim Brown (brownt@flash.net), April 05, 2002.
i tried frosted vellum with a D2V and all that happend was a major decrease in light output.
-- r (ricardospanks1@yahoo.com), April 05, 2002.
If your condenser head has a filter drawer, place a piece of white plexiglass in it and give it a try. The results are not spectacular, but you will be able to see a difference. You shall lose a couple of stops (that means longer exposures) and the effect won't be exactly like using a diffusion head.
-- George Papantoniou (papanton@hol.gr), April 06, 2002.