How much do you feed dwarf rabbits? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have an uncle who has bought a couple of dwarf rabbit does and a buck. He has asked me how much he should feed them. I'm not really sure as I've only had full sized rabbits. I told him I knew where I chould find people who did know though. Thanks.

-- Murray in ME (, April 05, 2002


I have bred and shown Netherland Dwarfs for about 8-9 years.The amount to feed depends on the feed and the size and metabolism of the dwarfs.Dry does and bucks should eat 1/4 to 1/3 cup of pellets per day. Lactating does, 1/2 cup up, depending on litter size. Too much food and the does get fat and do not concieve. I like to feed good horse quality bermuda or orchardgrass or timothy hay free choice, also.

-- Deidre Edder (, April 05, 2002.

I have bred and raised rabbits for years but have never shown except in County Shows. I have raised all different breeds including the dwarf breeds. I have always free choice fed my rabbits a good quality rabbit pellet and grass hay.

-- Jodie in TX (, April 05, 2002.

I didn't know how much to give my dwarf rabbit either, so I just kept his dish full. He looks fine; he doesn't seem to want to over eat. I know meat rabbits can get fat but perhaps dwarf rabbits don't have that genetic imperative to stuff themselves? The kids sometimes give too many treats but he doesn't over eat on them, either.

-- Terri (, April 05, 2002.

I have been raising rabbits for about 12 years and English Angoras and others for about two years. I also have a small lop rabbit.

I always feed free choice and have had no problem with overweight rabbits.

-- Suzy in Bama (, April 05, 2002.

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