What is the AME Church position on gays in leadership positions and especially in leadership positions over our children?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Tenth District - AMEC : One Thread

What is the AME Church position on gays in leadership positions and especially in leadership positions over our children? I was asked this question by another denomination and I really did not know how to respond. I know for a fact, there are gays in leadership positions in the AME Church and it appears to be acceptable. So does the AME Church honor the "don't ask, don't tell" rule?

-- Lenda Fowler (txstarr_realty@hotmail.com), April 04, 2002


Being gay or homosexual is not the problem. There are those who are celibate homosexuals. There should be no limits placed on succh persons. However, homosexual acts are against the rules of our church. So the problen lies in the acts rather than the orientation. Likewise, the unmarried are to remain celibate regardless of sexual orientation. Therein lies what seems to me a greater problem: Adultrous behavior among our members and leaders.


Pastor Paris

-- Alton E. Paris (alparis@digitex.net), June 21, 2002.

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