How to transfer VCD dat files from computer harddisk to CD to play in Standalone VCD Player : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have copied some movie clips ("dat" Files) from different VCDs onto my Computer. Is there any software available (preferably freeware) which can transfer these "dat files" onto CDR and be able to play them on my regular standalone VCD Player?


-- K. Muralidharan (, April 04, 2002


Well, you don't want to transfer them. What you want to do is burn a VCD. VCDeasy is free and comes with a free CD burning program. You can find it at (look in the Downloads section) and other sites. I will warn you that the burning program (cdrdao) doesn't work with some burners and VCDeasy is, in my opinion, a bit unstable. Nero ( is not free, but it's a lot easier to use than VCDeasy. You can use Nero free for 30 days if you download it. All you have to do is start either Nero or VCDeasy, tell it you want to make a VCD, and load the dat file(s) into it.

-- Root (, April 04, 2002.

Or u can use clone-cd nicely...u just clone it...

-- eres satriani (, April 26, 2004.

if you need nero, i have a FREE version better than the one u get online AIM me at FERSCU

-- Fernando Maniu (, July 18, 2004.

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