New Tires : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I've heard good things about switching from a 190/50/17 to 180/55/17 in the rear in order to improve turn ins.

I was wondering if switching the front from 120/65/17 to 120/60/17 would have any adverse effect that I haven't considered. 120/65 is an odd size.

I like the Pilot Sports and will probably get them again.


-- mod (, April 03, 2002


I can't speak for the MV, but switching to a 180 on my R1 was the thing to do. It was more stable in the transition for sure. But, I sure do wear out the edge of the 180 rear more than the 120 front. Don't know if the width of the tire has anything to do with that...

From what I hear, 60 fronts are quicker turning, but not as overall confidence inspiring. 70's are supposed to be more complaint and also give more feedback, which seems to almost be mutually exclusive. I haven't changed front tire height since my really old bike, but the added trail was really noticeable. Not all that desireable for me. Why not try the Dragon Corsas? I think they handle great, and I wouldn't be too quick to change the height of the front tire because the bike handles so wonderfully just the way it is. They have really great traction too. I haven't been able to break the rear end loose, but then again, I haven't ridden my bike in quite a while...


-- Andy Ruhl (, April 03, 2002.

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