What is this growth on my goat's face???

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

It's about halfway down her face between her eye and her mouth. It doesn't look like a wart, just a semi-soft round thing under the skin. No red, no pus, and it doesn't seem to be bothering her. It happened quickly too; all of a sudden it was just *there*. This is a closed herd, by the way. What the heck is it? Should I pop it or leave it? Vickie, where are you??????

-- gita (gita@directcon.net), April 02, 2002


Could be a tooth problem. (Diagnosing online is nothing more than a guessing game) Some goats get an "abscessed" tooth occasionally, usually near the back of the jaw. Pressure on the lump would cause it to express inward. Not a major problem unless it reoccurs frequently or causes eating problems.

-- Scotsirish (notreal@anywhere.net), April 02, 2002.

we just went thru this a few weeks ago! one day a knot just popped up on her face, everyone had me scared to death of CL so i had it cultured and it turned out to be a very common bacteria. Vet lanced it and drained it and then we shot iodine into it for about three days and put her on pennicilan, in a few days it was dried and gone! From what i understand that CL is bad stuff and we don't want it so i would have a vet culture it so you know for sure what it is. I mean a hundred people came up with good advice for me but my mind was not eased until i knew for sure. good luck and i hope it too turns out to be nothing serious

-- Don and Susan (dsowen@tds.netS), April 02, 2002.

Hi Gita, perhaps you can go and visit the thread we talked to Susan about this? goatworld.com has a good photo of what a CL abscess looks like, and also information on it on

http://www.ag.auburn.edu/dept/ads/sheep/ The National Goat Handbook and 50 more informative sites have links on this site, in the NGH is another link to the information on CL. Yes it could be from a tooth, yes it could be from a sticker, I certainly wouldn't be taking a chance with my herd, quaranteen her, have the vet aspirate the contents out and send it to UC Davis (only) and find out what you are dealing with! Can you send a digital photo? Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (Nubians) (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), April 02, 2002.

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