Vulcaite Recovering : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I have a IIIG that needs a full vucanite recovering. Can anyone tell me who does it or if I can buy a precut cover? Leica NJ and Sherry could not help me. Someone must offer this product or service. Thanks Herb

-- Herb Whiffen (, April 01, 2002


i've seen precut leather for screwmount leicas on ebay, but i can't remember the name of the dealer. worth doing a search though.

rick :)=

-- rick oleson (, April 01, 2002.

Leica USA should be able to recover your IIIG with a M6 type leatherette. I know the vulcanite used in the IIIG and later cameras is no longer made.

-- Muhammad Chishty (, April 01, 2002.

I read somewhere that Micro Tools makes vulcanite " close to the orig. Leica as we've found." It comes in sheets, though; too many variations in pre-cut, I guess.

Please, someone make it clickable.

-- chris chen (, April 01, 2002.

I have a detailed entry on vulcantie maintenance and repair in the Leica FAQ at: 032b.shtml

-- Andrew Nemeth (, April 01, 2002.

DAG also sells a replacement vulcanite:

-- Chris Chen (Wash., DC) (, April 01, 2002.

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