How to tell "Old Model" F-1 from "New Model" : LUSENET : Canon FD : One Thread |
How does one tell the difference between an "Old" from a "New" model F-1? Thank you.
-- Bob Waters (, March 27, 2002
The site provides info/specs on all Canon cameras. Also, explains how to date cameras and lenses with their serial numbers.
-- Dorene Sykes (, March 27, 2002.
Bob,The 1971-76 model of the F-1 has a one piece advance lever, ASA speeds to 2000 (a dot just beyond 1600). The 1976-81 F-1n has a plastic tipped advance lever, ASA speeds to 3200, a larger surround circling the release button and a film box end holder on the back door. The 1981-91 "New F-1" or F-1N is a completely new camera. It features an electronically timed shutter and is somewhat more compact than the first two versions. None of the motor, viewfinder or film back accessories interchange between this annd the first two versions.
-- Bill Salati (, March 30, 2002.