135 F5.6 EL-NIKKOR good enough for large prints?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
does this lens is good enough for 30X40" b/w prints (beseler MXII enlarger)? any opinion will be appreciated.
-- Hagai Kaufman (hagai@albatross.co.il), March 26, 2002
P.S - from 4x5" negative
-- Hagai Kaufman (hagai@albatross.co.il), March 26, 2002.
Nikon specs says it's good for 4x5, ¯:160 and for enlargements 2X-10X, average 5X. Should be fine.
-- Paul Schilliger (pschilliger@smile.ch), March 26, 2002.
I have found that the Fujinon lenses have the best coverage for 4x5 enlargements. The Nikkor is barely acceptable. If you don't already have the 135mm in your hands, try looking for a 150mm Nikkor, or the 135mm Fujinon.
-- Andy Biggs (abiggs@tvmcapital.com), March 26, 2002.
Andy,I already own the 135 el nikor (the current model). What do you mean when you say 'barley acceptable' coverage? that the lens doesn't cover the entire 4x5 format? (it does, from my experience)or that the is a lot of fall-off in the corners? (what I suspect could be a real problem in large prints. Have you actually used this lens for larger than 20x24?
-- Hagai Kaufman (hagai@albatross.co.il), March 27, 2002.
I've worked with various 135mm EL-Nikkors for 20 years. All sharp and of professional quality. Haven't used one for prints bigger than 30x40". But with any big enlargment, alignment is most critical. Many percieved "lens faults" are due to enlargers out of parallel. Don't take that part for granted!
-- Mark Sampson (MSampson45@aol.com), March 27, 2002.