Lighter areas in negative and : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread |
Hi! I've been playing with 8x10 transfers for about a week and have noticed that every time I separate the negative and positive after it comes out of the processor, the positive has lighter streaks on it horizontally (about 1 or 2 at thirds of the page). These in turn create complete liftoff after I finish the transfer. The film is brand new (I've used about 10 of the sheets) and I'm sure I didn't touch the film, etc. The processor (a Polaroid Electric 81-12) is used and I just figured out how to clean the rollers (they were slightly dirty) and haven't tried it again. The film holder, loading tray, Daylab base are brand new.I didn't think much of this problem (aside from annoyance) until I noticed that every one I did had this similar problem (and the streaks aren't in the same place each time either--close, though). Anything else I should clean? Do anything different with the film? It's kept in a cool, dry place. (I do live in a very dry environment...).
-- Leslie Parker (, March 26, 2002