Ultimate Faux Pasgreenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread |
Imagine a bishop who has died, was buried and had another assigned to the district over which he presided, yet the official website of the Church to which he belonged and to which he gave a lifetime of service never mentioned it or featured it as top priority????IMAGINE!!
-- Anonymous, March 26, 2002
Fortunately, the First District web site was not negligent in our recent situation. Unforunately, Pasto Paris's observation about the budget for the "connectional" site still holds true; it may not be receiving active maintenance at the moment.Fortunately again, we are blessed with the AME Today site, which has given us so much information about our connection, from members, to elders to the Bench.
-- Anonymous, March 26, 2002
Robert, I do detect a modicum of sarcasm in your implicit reprimand.:-) QED
-- Anonymous, March 26, 2002
Dear Brothers My question is somewhat obvious. Should the Church have a web-site it does not maintain nor have funds to manage? Should we not convert it to a Historical Site on the Church?Blessings to you all
-- Anonymous, March 26, 2002
My Brothers and Sisters,An AME Layman who loves the AME Church is funding that "official" AME web site out of his pocket. I won't reveal his name but he can come forward and then we can come together and put the money on the line to get what we want on that web site.
Pastor Paris
-- Anonymous, March 26, 2002
Thank You Pastor Paris The cost for ISP work and management in Bermuda is far more expensive than in the states. If the Official Church Site is paid for by an individual member who loves the Church then more of us ought to speak up or find ways to assist.Blessings to you all this easter
-- Anonymous, March 30, 2002