Manual focus Camera : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

Hi, I want to buy a good camera which I can have more control over exp. I selected a Manual focus camera - Minolta X-370S. Which is available at a reasonable price with a 35-80mm lense. Later I found that AF camera EOS 300 also available for a little higher price.

I prefer Minolta MF. Because there is no much complication. Can you please advise me which one is better for a long run (Producing quality pics).


-- K Kanthasamy (, March 25, 2002


Minolta manual focus cameras seem to be a slowly dying breed.

I personally would buy a Pentax or Nikon manual focus camera since, with these, the manual focus and auto focus lenses and bodies can be used intercchangably. There are some restrictions using older lenses on some of the the newer autofocus Nikon bodies and one of the Pentax bodies as well, but none of the manual focus Minolta or Canon lenses work on the newer bodies without a very poor adapter.

The camera system that has the most reasonably priced used lenses for manual focus cameras is Pentax. And all these lenses can be used on almost all Pentax bodies. That's were I'd look.

-- Jim Strutz (, March 26, 2002.

The Pentax K-1000 is very available on the used market. There are very many lenses available for it on the used market. You will learn more about photography with a fully manual camera, and especially with the K-1000 which has match needle metering instead of electronic LEDs. The quality of your pictures will depend on how well you learn. Don't be fooled by highly technical discussions about the qualities of lenses and cameras. Have fun!

-- Jeff Polaski (, March 26, 2002.

I'm a Minolta manual focus user and am amazingly happy. I actually switched from Minolta auto focus Maxxum bodies to the manual focus.

Pick up a used x570 or x700 for around $100. The x370 is still being made (under license), but it lacks TTL flash.

I have a great macro rig, a great surfer/wildlife rig, and a great scenic rig, and I've spent less than $700 for all of it.

-- Don Tuleja (, March 26, 2002.

I agree with the recommendations of Nikon or Pentax for a manual- focus system, but to answer your question: neither has an advantage for producing quality pictures. minolta, canon, nikon and pentax all make very good optics whether in manual or automatic focus; autofocus (like most technology) offers convenience rather than quality improvements. the minolta x370 will perform just fine.

rick :)=

-- rick oleson (, March 26, 2002.

Hi, Thank you all for your advises. I found a manual camera Pentax MZ-M. Is it a good one? Please advise me.


-- K Kanthasamy (, March 27, 2002.

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