Drug addiction, drinking, and Poegreenspun.com : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread |
How did Poe's drug addiction, drinking problem and past family problems affect his writing?
-- Anonymous, March 25, 2002
Erica,See the article at http://www.eapoe.org/geninfo/poealchl.htm
Hope it clears it up for you.
-- Anonymous, March 25, 2002
Hey Erica, I think I got an answer for you! No offence but...He was looney! He's my favorite author but...just look at his writing! The poor man was depressed! I bet that's why he wrote about love, parting, murder, death, and horror!
-- Anonymous, April 13, 2002
He was influensed by his own life being depressed and lonly was a major part of his life so i hope that hepls
-- Anonymous, October 20, 2002
i dont know
-- Anonymous, April 24, 2003