Poultry Processing in Maine

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Anybody out there know of the guide lines for processing pastured poultry on site for retail in Maine.

I am talking small scale under 1000 per year.

I thought I read about a recent law change that was going to have a large effect on small scale operations in the state.

Any help would be welcome.

Todd in Maine

-- Todd in Maine (todd.leeman@colehaan.com), March 25, 2002


There's a fellow in Mercer, Maine between Skowhegan and Farmington that has a processing operation. I think his name is Scott Greaney ( probably spelled incorrectly). He has been doing this for many years. I used to take turkeys to his place the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and there was always a State inspector asking anyone with more than 10 or twelve birds what they were going to do with them. They wanted to make sure they were iced before transporting.

Best bet would be to call the Dept. of Agriculture ( or check out their website) they are more than happy to provide any information you might need. I have found in Maine that they really want you to do things correctly and will give you any help you need. Most other States are out for the fees and are too willing to tell you that you can't do something rather than help you do it correctly.

-- Ken in Maine (kenjan@pivot.net), March 25, 2002.

Their is a new (1 or 2 years) federal law that says you can raise, prosses and sell on your farm 1000 birds or less, the only problem is that many States, Counties and Cites have laws that override the Federal law.

-- Mark in N.C. Fla. (deadgoatman@webtv.net), March 25, 2002.

Scott and Tracey Greaney,RR 2 box 980,Mercer,ME 04957,587-4062- Greaney's Turkey Farm-This is the infro that was needed from another post. I take my turkeys up to him,we buy the turkeys from him too. Ray The Farm

-- Ray (thecfarm@midmaine.com), March 25, 2002.

I have bought my chicks and turkeys from Scott for several years. He runs a really good operation and since it is 11 miles from my farm it is very easy for us. I got my order form from Scott in the mail a couple of weeks ago and there is a new law about processing poultry for sale. Operations like Scott's are not as affected because he is doing custom processing. I'm sure Scott would be glad to talk to you about this. Just call him before 8:30 at night.

-- Mary R. (cntryfolk@ime.net), March 27, 2002.

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