(Mobile) processing unit for poultrygreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Does anyone have any plans or suggestions for building something similar to the mobile processing units that can be rented or borrowed from various pastured poultry groups? We don't process enough to warrant the rental fees -- we only do 25-30 at a time, but that's still a lot of hand work for one or two people.Thanks for your help, Andrea
-- Andrea Gauland (andreagee@aol.com), March 25, 2002
Here, in Eastern Kentucky, if you are a Heifer Project member, you can use the mobile units when they come through and only pay a small fee for each chicken you are processing. It doesnt cost anything here to join and they can offer you advice and financial assistance with many aspects of farming. Check with your local extension service.
-- Gayle in KY (gayleannesmith@yahoo.com), April 20, 2002.