Durst M601 enlarger

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I just bought a used Durst M601 enlarger but I did not get a manual with it. Can someone tell me how to use the green, translucent window on the front of the head of the enlarger? I assume it is not just for looks. Bulb alignment?


-- Ray Henrikson (rhenriks@nycap.rr.com), March 24, 2002


OK...going on memory here....

The window on the front is for use when you're using the enlarger as a copy camera. You'd also need the appropriate film holders, reflex mirror setup etc; that stuff may be just about impossible to find today.

I presume you're using it just as an enlarger. The window on the front isn't used for anything in that case and is actually blocked out by the reflex mirror if the condensers are used or by the mixing chamber if a dichro light source is used.

The way to align the bulb position is to project the light through a neg carrier (and lens, of course) onto the baseboard and slide the bulb socket up and down until the most even illumination is achieved. This is of course with condenser illumination only.

-- John Hicks (jhicks31@bellsouth.net), March 24, 2002.

how's that, learn sumfink new everyday...

Saw the M601 topic and thought "hmm, might be able to help out here" But no, I learn something :)

I did pull that window out when I got my (2nd hand) M601 to clean everywhere but I never thought it was meant for something. Have wondered why is has the green glow to it though...

-- Nigel Smith (nlandgl@unite.com.au), March 25, 2002.

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