hot weather tolorant breeds? : LUSENET : Raising meat rabbits for profit : One Thread

I am getting ready to move back to Florida and want to get rabbits to promote earthworms to sell, maybe breed a few for the pot, which breeds are known to be heat totlrant? I am new at this so no abverations please.

-- mitch hearn (, March 24, 2002



I raised rabbits in Florida for quite sometime. Experienced the winters and well as the hot summers and I raised New Zealand Whites. I didn't have any problem with them. I would suggest that you have their shelter under some shade trees and keep milk jugs or something frozen in the freezer for the hottest months to help cool them down and you will need to keep an eye on the nest box if you breed in the summer. My does would still cover the kits with so much fur that the kits could smother. This was my experience in Florida. Good luck with your move and your rabbits! :-)

-- Brenda in NC (, March 24, 2002.

I would suggest that you merely wait until after moving to purchase rabbits, and choose LOCALLY raised rabbits! Those would be the ones already acclimated to the Florida climate... *IF* they have been raised outdoors! Rabbits raised in environmentally controlled fully-enclosed facilities are NOT acclimated to the climate.

It's not so much the breed as it is the location and where they were raised, as well as the type of housing you are planning.

-- Pat Lamar (, March 24, 2002.

Hey Mitch, Stop by on your way south- I'll hook you up with a breeding trio of New Zealands that are used to this climate. I'm sure you have plenty of barter goods. :>) ,Daryll

-- Daryll in NW FLA (, March 25, 2002.

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