goat meat recipes

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Here is a page of recipes I found- http://www.outlawboers.com/goat-meat-cooking.html

-- Terri in NS (terri@tallships.ca), March 23, 2002


Thanks for the site, Terri! This is my first year of raising goats, and I'm looking forward to trying it. Jan

-- Jan in Co (Janice12@aol.com), March 23, 2002.

There's also a book called Goats Produce Too by Mary Ann Toth that has recipes for goat milk and for chevon(goat meat). I think I paid $8-9.00 a few years ago. Personally I like goat meat better than beef- it's leaner and has a richer flavor. Peace, Kathy

-- Kathy Aldridge (beckoningwinds@lycos.com), March 23, 2002.

Terri, Curries! There is nothing better than goat meat for curry. Substitute it for the lamb in any lamb curry recipe. It's better even than a two year old wether.

-- Griff in OR (griff@hangnail.com), March 23, 2002.

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