Durst M601 manualgreenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: URL Review : One Thread |
Where might I find an instruction manual for a Durst M601 enlarger?Either hard copy or something on-line.
-- Ray Henrikson (henrikr@mail.amc.edu), March 22, 2002
drop me an email and I can get you a photocopy of the manualjd
-- jusitn dunie (jdunie@erols.com), August 18, 2002.
Try to contact Durst. They are very kind!!
-- jorge zaven (zavida@uol.com.br), March 10, 2004.
wheeeee gues what I found. help yourself.http://www.canonfd.com/choose.htm
-- Garry williams (xantica2002@yahoo.co.uk), September 09, 2004.