Unusual 5X7 film holdergreenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
Recently, I bought a 5X7 Sinar Norma rear standard. Along with the standard, I recieved a rather strange film holder-type thing. It looks similar to a septum for a Grafmatic -- it's about that thin -- but it has a dark slide and a felt light trap(?). In the center of the inside of the holder is a 4X5 tray with a spring-loaded clamp. So, it's made to adapt some kind of 5X7 holder to use 4X5. This cannot be used directly in a 5X7 in a camera because a) it is smaller than a standard holder and b) it does not have the lip to fit into the groove in the back to make it light tight. Anyone know what this was for?
-- Jerry Flynn (flynn68@attglobal.net), March 21, 2002