Homing Pigeons

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Am interested in racing/hobby clubs in northcentral WV. I am curious to see some of these birds in action after the recent thread about them.

Also, what books would you recommend for a beginner?

-- Anne from WV (HealthyTouch101@wildmail.com), March 19, 2002


I meant to mention that I did check out "The Pigeon Loft" which had no WV clubs listed. Thought maybe there was one that didn't make the list. Lots of birds for sale there though.

-- Anne (HealthyTouch101@wildmail.com), March 19, 2002.

We have a gentleman who rents space on our farm to keep his shed of Homing Pigeons. If you want I could give him your email address and see if he would contact you. He may have info that you would want. Let me know and I will pass you along.

-- connie in md (connie@mission4me.com), March 20, 2002.

Anne, Here are some links to racing type pigeon people and boards. (I think they all still work)

http://www.pipa.be/ (the bottom of the page has more links than you could visit in a year!) http://www.interbug.com/pigeon/wwwboard/ http://npausa.com/ http://www.pigeon.co.za/ http://www.pigeons.ru/ http://www.bokhari.com/ http://www.code3lofts.com/index.htm

-- TonyG (nothere@here.com), March 20, 2002.

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