EUREKA...... I think we found the way to our homestead : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Well, Ill probably get a some flack for posting non-interesting stuff again.... But I had to share my joy with my good friends.

I have found a way for us to get our homestead!!!!!! Its thru the USDA, a rural farm loan. AND guess what ? We actually qualified cause we are broke and have no place to live. HAHAHAHA I will get the forms in the mail tomorrow. Anyone who was looking for this kind of thing can email me and Ill share the web site or just go to and click on rural housing.

Sorry Chuck for wasting valuable space.... But Im so Excited.... Thanks for understanding... Kristean

-- Kristean Thompson (, March 18, 2002


I must have missed out on the valuable space discussion, haven't been around for a week or two. I would think that this would be VERY valuable information for a lot of people, though.

Now, that said...YEA! Congratulations, I know this is something you have been hoping and praying for, and I hope everything works out. Let me know!

-- Christine in OK (, March 18, 2002.

Good for you Kristean. I don't blame you for being excited. You should be! I'm really happy for you.

-- Murray in ME (, March 18, 2002.

Please check out the listing of " CHUCK.... I need some computer advice." Someone thought it inconsiderate of me to post a question that was ( unknown to me ) easily answered by the lusent guys....I am appoligizing to chuck, as im sure he is hearing about it tooo... But oh well... to each his own...

thank you for the congrats, and well wishes.. It is heartwarming to hear the applause... Kristean

-- Kristean Thompson (, March 18, 2002.

Kristean, Fantastic-I wish you the best! Hey ,are you still going to sell your spice mix? The only wasted space I saw was the person complaining about it. Daryll

-- Daryll in NW FLA (, March 19, 2002.

Hi Kristean

I actually think the sarcasm of that poster was directed at Chuck, and intended to make sure you didn't feel dependant on only him for advice.

I felt they were inappropriate, but thats my opinion.

-- Rick in SW West Virginia (, March 19, 2002.

dont be dissa pointed when you get the application, it will be about 20 pages , long, and contain a ton of other alternate info , when we got ours , it weighed 1 lb ,

also , for a DIRECT loan from the governement, you need to be REJECTED by at least 2 other creidors, BEFORE you can even send in your loan to the FSA!

its opk, luckily, its not too hard to get rejected for a loan , when you have no "real" farming/homestead exp.

-- Beth Van Stiphout (, March 19, 2002.

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