What websites do you use to get news?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread

Seems to me that I've seen a few websites with links to most of the news organizations, i.e.: Reuters, Associated Press, CNN, etc.

Are there any places where you folks go for news? I find myself looking for one *quick* place to start from (usually when I'm at work and need a quick news fix in between sets of reports to transcribe).

Any places that provide news commentary would be appreciated, too.

I don't think I can get away with streaming newscasts, just printed stuff.

Thanks in advance.

-- Anonymous, March 17, 2002


Every day I go to Science Daily Magazine then Salon.com then CNN. Salon's got that great liberal slant that keeps up on the right wing wackos. I enjoy keeping up on the latest science stuff and CNN just to round it off......Kirk

-- Anonymous, March 17, 2002

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