Expectant Bunny Question

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One of our does had a litter of kits about a month ago. By now the babies are running all over, and they've figured out how to get into the cage of their aunt, who is due to deliver any minute. The expectant doe has got the nest box all lined with fur, and the baby bunnies kept getting in there! I was worried that they would bother the new mother, and perhaps make her eat the babies or something, so I took the expectant doe out and put her in a separate cage in the woodshed.

Did I do the right thing?

Also, when do the baby bunnies need to be able to get at water on their own? The mother's waterer hangs up too high for them, and because of the way the cage is made, can't be put any lower. I put a shallow dish of water in for them today, since I noticed that they are eating real bunny food now. What do you suggest?

-- Chuck (woah@mission4me.com), March 17, 2002


Chuck I would have probally taken the babies away , since mom was settled already .I would hang the waterer lower so the had access from the time they can get around.The sooner the start to eat and drink the less stress on mom.Good luck with the new babies.

-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@hotmail.com), March 17, 2002.

Congrats Chuck.

If she pulled her fur, she will probably have them tonight. As long as you put the nest box in with her, there probably won't be a problem but you should have just sealed the opening the babies were getting in through. (I feed a little dry cat food so they don't eat their babies. Just a couple of kibbles)

The other babies should already be drinking water. Put a bowl for water in the cage. I use rubber bowls. They don't like to chew on it and ice pops out real easy. If you want to keep the bottle, you should figure out a way of lowering it so future babies will be able to drink from it.

-- Dee (gdgtur@goes.com), March 17, 2002.

Chuck, My babies have access to water as soon as they come out of the nest box. I have seen kits as young as 2 weeks try the water, definately by 3 weeks they are drinking it. I have moved does the day they give birth (due to danger) but it is always risky to move them. I routinely move mine into the maternity cages when they are 14 days pregnant, by the time they give birth they are used to the cage. Denise

-- Denise K. (Rabbitmom2@webbworks.com), March 17, 2002.

Good news! The expectant doe had her babies last night! So far, it seems like everything is fine. I'm glad that I moved her before she gave birth.

Thanks for the advice!

Here's a picture of one of our bunnies born on Valentines day.

-- Chuck (reply@mission4me.com), March 18, 2002.

What breed the baby looks huge ! Hey I had kittens last night wanna trade ??????

-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@hotmail.com), March 18, 2002.

Told you so...

-- Dee (gdgtur@goes.com), March 18, 2002.

He's part Norwegian and part English. We have plenty of kittens, though.

Oh, did you mean the bunny?

-- chuck in md (reply@mission4me.com), March 18, 2002.

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