Wanted: Dominique/Dominecker fertile eggs

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I posted this on the barter board, but got absolutely no response, so I thought it might get more attention on here ~

I would like to trade for a dozen or two of rosecombed dominecker eggs if anybody has extra. I have buff orpington, silver phoenix, blue/black bantam cochin, red silkies, and possibly a few millie fleurs to trade.


-- Tracey in Alabama (trjlanier@cs.com), March 15, 2002


Here's a couple of egg swapping Boards:

Newest messages are at the bottom of Board.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


-- ~Rogo (rogo2222@hotmail.com), March 16, 2002.

Here's another egg trading Board:

Egg Exchange


Scroll to the bottom of the Board for newest postings.

-- ~Rogo (rogo2222@hotmail.com), March 17, 2002.

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