How's the weather? : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

Let's talk about something fun. How is your weather today? I'm just south of Minneapolis and the schools are closed and the neighbor girl is over to play with my daughter. The snow has been coming down so hard and the wind blowing the dog doesn't even want to go out and she usually loves the snow. Three weeks ago I was looking at the garden and thinking about planting, now we are a polar wasteland again. The poor chooks just peeked out and ran back in. The rabbits don't seem to mind being in their run but they are out of the wind. John in Minnesnowda

-- John (, March 14, 2002


So strange to hear you talk of snow. Here in the Mid-Atlantic, it had to hit close to 70 degrees today. Hold on I'll check..........

It is 60 degrees at 5 pm. Tomorrow 72 d. is expected, with near 60 for 5 days.

I'm not sure winter will ever crash thru here.

-- Rick in SW West Virginia (, March 14, 2002.

After having 60's the last two days, we had a front come in with snow last night. Just a little, though, and it's started very lightly again this afternoon. Couldn't help looking longingly at the weather map of my home state showing 80's!

-- mary (, March 14, 2002.

what a great day here today. Sunny and in the 60's birds singing all around and flowers starting to pop up.

-- george nh (, March 14, 2002.

We've been working on a new garden plot the last few days, it's been very warm here, almost 80* today! It's starting to cool off, and the last time I saw the weather they were predicting storm chances over the weekend, but a warm up again for next week.

I love this! Snow, what's snow? (don't answer that!)

-- Christine in OK (, March 14, 2002.

It just dropped 15 degrees in one hour. It's still pretty nice: it WAS near 80. I think I have seen the last of the good weather for a while, though.

-- Terri (, March 14, 2002.

60's today and absolutely beautiful!!!

-- Melissa in SE Ohio (, March 14, 2002.

Nice and warm here (80's day, 40's nights), but very very very very WINDY. like 40 MPH. We usually do have very windy springs, but didn't the last couple of years so that kinda spoiled us. But it is impossible to do anything outdoors. I try to sweep the porch and pick up broken branches, etc. early in the morning before the winds pick up. Lots of dirt from plowed up fields. You just hope your outdoor furniture doesn't blow over!!

-- connie in nm (, March 14, 2002.

72 degrees here today! BEAUTIFUL!! Played outside all day, tomorrow, high expected 48!!!!Can't put the coats up yet.

-- Micheale from SE Kansas (, March 14, 2002.

Today is kind of nice, the sun is shining altho it's a bit cold at times and we have some wind. Yesterday was downright bitter!!! The kind that chills you through to the bone and numbs all your extremities. Of course, the horses decided it would be fun to break through the pasture fence and into the yard, causing my poor husband to spend a lot of extra time out in the freezing weather last night getting horses put away and the fence fixed. They wouldn't have done that if the weather had been nice.

A couple days ago we had typical central Oregon weather....started out with blue skies, sunshine and shirtsleeve weather, then turned cold, rainy and windy. Then snowed, then hailed. Then wet and windy again. They always say if you don't like the weather here, just wait 5 minutes. ;)

-- Lenette (, March 14, 2002.

today was nice,low 70's but windy.The next few days in the 50's and 60's.

-- willa in IL. (, March 14, 2002.

You people are so lucky to have all that nice warm weather! Right now we are having a blizzard in northern WI. Expecting 6 to 10 inches by morning. Temp is about the low 20's. Brrrrr.

-- Jean in No. WI (, March 14, 2002.

Got up to 84° yesterday in NC Oklahoma. Took a group of sunday school kids to clean up a bunch of ice storm tree limbs for some elderly folks. We all worked up a good sweat and it really felt good. Today is going to be different, colder and really windy.
Any way you want to look at it it makes you want to plow.

-- charlieS (, March 15, 2002.

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