(digital) Piezography 4oz=how many prints?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Forgive the cross post with Photo.net. Just discovered this forum.

I'm investigating the costs of printing digital-- there's plenty of helpful information out there about hardware and startup costs, but less about consumables. (I already have a full workstation for my day job.)

In particular, I haven't been able to find general ballpark figures of how I long could expect a 4-set of 4 ounce Piezography BW inks to last. I'll probably doing a majority of prints on 8X10 paper (say, about 75% coverage) on coated inkjet stock. I understand that continuous inking is the way to go. Any input from users out there would be appreciated.

(Please, no digital vs. wet darkroom flame wars. I'll always wet print. Just seeking new avenues here...)

-- JM Woo (wooismyid@delethis.yahoo.com), March 14, 2002


Check out this site. I think if you post there you will get some informed answers:



-- Christian Harkness (chris.harkness@eudoramail.com), March 16, 2002.

I'll try and work out a ballpark figure from the ink consumption of my own Epson inkjet.
4 fluid ounces is about 112ml (a bit more if they're US fluid ounces), and the Epson chipped cartridges allow you to use about 8ml of each ink. This says the piezography set should last at least 112/8 = 14 times as long.
Now I get between 15 and 20 A4 prints from an Epson cartridge, so you should get somewhere in the region of 250 A4s out of the piezography set.
Your mileage may vary. Your printer is at risk if you don't keep up the payments - etc, etc.

-- Pete Andrews (p.l.andrews@bham.ac.uk), March 18, 2002.

Try the Piezography BW users group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/piezography3000/

-- Michael Feldman (mfeldman@qwest.net), March 18, 2002.

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