Would you deliver couch from Memphis, TN to Hershey PA

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I am just looking to see if someone moving/driving from Memphis TN to Hershey PA would deliver a couch and chair for a fee.

-- Mark Wesling (mark.wesling@verizon.net), March 14, 2002


Are you located in Memphis, Tn

-- Jennifer (daileyj@midsouth.rr.com), March 14, 2002.

Dear Mark, Theis is Jennifer from the above post, sorry wrong email just got Road Runner today and nothing makes sense. I am in Memphis so email me about the couch. Ok

-- Jennifer (jfisher@midsouth.rr.com), March 14, 2002.


Next week sometime I will be headed from southern CA to Central NH vie east tx with a load of household stuff and a shredder mower (I think) on a 20 foot gooseneck about 12 feet of which I have a cover on for this trip. I just did a mapquest thing and it looks like from tx on to memphis I could just taker I 40 and it seems like a decent route to NH via hershey more or less.

If you are serious and you have some dimensions and there is good flexibility re load and drop times let me know.


-- Oscar H. Will III (owill@mail.whittier.edu), March 14, 2002.

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