Digital Rolex : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

In the November/December 2001 issue of View Camera Magazine, there is an awesome photograph of a Rolex watch. This photograph is used in the context of demonstrating the capability of digital photography. The photographer has even gone so far as to follow the convention of setting the hands at 10:10. (Some say this started during WWII as “V” for victory.) Obviously there a great deal of attention to detail.

As a failure mode of Rolex watches is for the threads in the crown to strip, I noticed that, in the photograph, the crown isn’t screwed down. I couldn’t believe that the photographer overlooked this, and then it hit me; that was the only way he could get the second hand to stop without waiting for days for the watch to wind down.

My question is: would this have been necessary to stop the second hand with film?

Also, in the magazine the “L” in Rolex looks like an “M”, could this be a function of digital resolution enhancement, or is it just reflection or part of the printing process?


-- Neal Shields (, March 14, 2002


With all due respect, Neal - maybe you need more hobbies.

-- Matt O. (, March 14, 2002.

"In the November/December 2001 issue of View Camera Magazine, there is an awesome photograph of a Rolex watch."

The other day I was taken to task on the (troll?) post (the one called "Film is Dead!") when I asked whether anybody else doesn't want to scream about digital photos, "THEY LOOK SO DIGITAL!"

I can't think of a better illustration than the photos on pages 18-21 of the Nov/Dec View Camera (including the Rolex); the pixels are far more offensive than the grain would have been had they been shot with 35mm film. Compare them to any of the film pics in the same issue and you'll see what I mean. That's not to say that digital won't eventually be as good as film, only that based on what I've seen an 18mb file size isn't nearly as sharp as a 4x5 chrome.


-- Terry (, March 14, 2002.

I agree with you Terry.


-- Kevin Kolosky (, March 14, 2002.

"Some say this started during WWII as “V” for victory.)."

Someone might say that but they are living in a fantasy land. It is done to best call attention (in a subtle manner0 to the brand mark of the maker. In short it is an advertising convention. and the credit probably belongs to David Ogilvy (co-founder of Ogilvy & Mather) if not to some anonymous creative director.

-- Ellis Vener Photography (, March 14, 2002.

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