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greenspun.com : LUSENET : Country Familiess : One Thread

Dear Mr. Stan Sopal or Satanswelp or whatever mistaken identy you have chosen to indulge in today,

I have involved myself in a surface triangulation project (since you are an obvious imbecile I will spell that out: any similar trigonometric operation for finding a position or location by means of bearings from two fixed points a known distance apart) whereby your physical location has been determined. You have been undone by your own doings, Mr. Sopal. You are being closely monitored.

-- usattorney (usattorney@us.gov), March 14, 2002


so what???,,, phyisical location? is right here,, at the desk,,,, BIG DAMN DEAL

-- BigDeal (dats scary@sowhat.com), March 14, 2002.

you are such a looser mitch,, give it up

-- Dave (dso@davenpu.edu), March 14, 2002.

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