Norweign Dwarf Rabbit? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Has any one ever heard of a Norweign Dwarf Rabbit? My children have one (or so that's what the original owners called it) and I can't find any information on them - only can find info on Netherland Dwarf Rabbits and he looks nothing like that! Thanks.

-- Bev (, March 13, 2002


Never heard of Norweign but sometimes the Netherlands are mixed so they look different. Most true Netherlands have tiny ears. They come in all colors.

-- Dee (, March 13, 2002.

I know nothing about them, but you made me curious -- here's a picture of one:

I couldn't find anything about them at Show Rabbit or the House Rabbit Society. There seem to be a couple entries on Google about them, but it is entirely possible that whoever sold it to you doesn't know the difference between Norway and the Netherlands?

-- julie f. (, March 13, 2002.

We raised Netherland Dwarf rabbits at one time and still have one for a pet. The picture Julie gave a link to looks like a Netherland Dwarf. Maybe they just got the name wrong.

-- vicki in NW OH (, March 14, 2002.

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