I've RENDERED the lard... now what about......

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

cleaning up the gallon I knocked off the table when I was temporarily blinded by sunlight this morning? It was still liquid at the time, so we had quite the mess. We put newspaper on it to soak up, now have burnt them and are scraping the mess with a putty knife. Then we will try that degreasing stuff you clean your hands with.

Thanks for all your help with how to render it. It turned out fine, and we had 3 gallons, with one 1 on the floor! Geez, what a waste!!! I felt like an idiot when I told my husband I lost my balance because of the sun.

I really don't need advise on the cleaning at this point. I might just rip up the linoleum. I can't imagine EVER making that mistake again!

-- marcee (thathope@mwt.net), March 12, 2002



When you posted your questions earlier about rendering lard, I had a vision of the pot spilling over because I just finished reading a book recommended here on the forum called "Gap Creek". The consequences of spilling the fat on the wood stove were catastrophic. You should read the book sometime, now that you have completed the project.


PS - what does one do with that much lard? You could never use it up in routine cooking. Make soap I'm guessing.

-- Dwight (summit1762@aol.com), March 12, 2002.

Gosh! Ididn't think you would do that in the kithchen. We do all our rendering over a fire outside. Spilled hot grease can make one real fast bad fire. But to clean it up form linoleum just scrap up what you can then was mit repeated soap and hot water. Puting cut leamons in the water helps.

-- Butch (beefarm@scrtc.com), March 12, 2002.

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