Daily Herb Listing - Eyebright

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Alternate Names: Euphrasia, Ocularia

Parts Used: Above ground portion.

Properties: Alterative, Anti-inflammatory, Antiseptic, Astringent, Expectorant, Febrifuge, Vulnerary.

Internal Uses: Allergies, Blepharitis, Catarrh, Colds, Congestion, Conjunctivitis, Earaches, Eye Weakness, Hay Fever, Light Sensitivity, Rhinitis, Sinusitis

Internal Applications: Tea, Tincture, Capsules.

Eyebright stimulates the liver to clean the blood and it relieves conditions that congest visual clarity.

Topical Uses: Blepharitis, Conjunctivitis, Eye Soreness, Leukorrhea, Wounds

Topical Applications: Eyewash, nasal wash, poultice for wounds. Douche for leukorrhea, compress for conjunctivitis and blepharitis.

Culinary uses: Leaves, though slightly bitter, can be added to salads.

Energetics: Bitter, Pungent, Cool, Dry.

Chemical Constituents: Flavonoids, tannins, glycoside (rhynanthin and aucubine), phenolic acids, essential oil, euphrastanic acid.

Contraindications: Avoid in cases of extreme congestion, which may be worsened by Eyebright's astringent properties.

Comments: The flower of eyebright somewhat resembles a bloodshot eye, which may have been part of what led ancient peoples to value this plant for eye problems. An old French term for Eyebright was casse-lunettes, which means 'break your glasses'. The genus name, Euphrasia, is derived from the Greek Euphrosyne, who was one of the goddesses of the Three Fates, and whose name means 'gladness'. This refers to the gladness one felt when his/her vision was improved from using Eyebright. This herb has been listed by United Plant Savers as an at risk plant, so please avoid buying products harvested from the wild. Only use the cultivated herb.

The common name Eyebright also includes the species Euphrasia rostkoviana and Euphrasia americana, which are used interchangeably with Euphrasia officinalis.

-- Phil in KS (pemccoy@yahoo.com), March 12, 2002

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