14" for 16x20

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread


Can any tell me if a 14" red dot Apo Artar will cover a 14x17 or even a 16x20?

Thanks in advance

-- Armando (ay@sccorp.com), March 11, 2002


Unlikely. The Artars typically have a narrow coverage angle of about 45 degrees. This means you should use a focal length equal to at least the diagonal of the format you are using (preferably a little longer). The 14" would be perfect for 8x10. For a 16x20, you would need a focal length of at least 24", preferably longer. Cheers, DJ.

-- N Dhananjay (dhananjay-nayakankuppam@uiowa.edu), March 11, 2002.

Can't find my data sheet, but I'll give a down and dirty answer. My recollection is that it won't even if stopped down. Has narrower view than a Dagor.

-- Donald Brewster (dpbrewster@prodigy.net), March 11, 2002.

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