Gum bichromate on glass : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Alternative Process : One Thread

Has anybody tried or seen gum bichromate printing on glass or plexiglass? I have briefly heard of it but would like more information on what prepatation the glass needs in order to print on.

-- Kim (, March 10, 2002


I would imagine a substrate used for Liquid Emulsion would work. LIQUID EMULSION - SUBBING FOR GLASS This is an excellent subbing for for glass. .Remember to wash new glass before doing anything else.

Hot distilled water 750ml Gelatin ** 5g 2 % Chrome alum solution **** 20 mls Add water to make 1 Liter

To make the 2% Chrome Alum solution Dilute 5g of Chrome alum in 250 mls of distilled water.

You should make up the Chrome alum solution, fresh before using. It is not very stable as does not keep more than a day.

Use hard bloom gelatin (250 bloom) and Chrome Alum available from Photographer's Formulary.

Special thanks to Martin Reed & Sarah Jones authors of "Silver Gelatin," published by Amphoto, N.Y.

-- Scott Walton (, March 12, 2002.

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