How to create karaoke VCDs with lyrics using my PC? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

How do I create karaoke VCDs using my own PC? I have my songs and lyrics.What are the equipments that I need?Do I need to attend some courses to learn this?

-- Nithiya (, March 10, 2002


Legitimately, and US$800,

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, March 14, 2002.

After you have the Audio in wav format (DartPro can "rip" songs from CDs and CD+Gs), you can add the words and group your songs in a playlist and burn them onto a CD as CD+G with DartPro found at (30 free trial period). I've used dartPro to collect my favorite kareoke songs onto one CD as well as adding words and synchronizing them, reducing lead vocals and creating CD+G files I burn on a CD. Good luck, write me and I will explain more details.

-- Greg Biggs (, March 14, 2002.

He's right.......dart karaoke is good but you must be willing to put the time into it... we like it alot and it is fun but time consumeing if anyone knows where there are freebie cd&g bin files downloads let me know!!!!

-- susan (, May 11, 2002.

I have 3 method of making Karaoke VCD. 1. Using Karaoke Kit Good 2. Using VirtualDub's Subtitler Better 3. Using Adobe After Effects & Photoshop. Best of all Check my tutorials out at :

-- Noy (, June 25, 2002.

dart karaoke is awsome use it i made a full cd with word out of that

-- Luke Bond (, August 01, 2002.

hey the program sounds cool, but just to make sure i understand i was wondering if you can make your own cd+g's by using music from regular cd's or wav files and adding lyrics to burn a new cd+g and the lyrics will work well :)

-- Frankie (, April 24, 2003.

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