Looking for chickens

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hi ,For the last 2 Months I have been lookihg for brahma or cochin chickens any size and type,I have Checked allmost all of the hatcherys and non of them will sell if your order in not a mimimum of 25 chicks ,I am only looking for 4 to 10 of them . if any one can help please e-mail me whith info Thanks Vince

-- Vince R. (Dove@epix.net), March 10, 2002


Why not order the minimum & advertise the ones you don't want?? You would probably have good luck selling them. I also didn't want to order the 25-30 chick minimum. Finally found a lady that is hatching some out for me. :-)

-- Wendy (weiskids@yahoo.com), March 10, 2002.

If you can't find any,wouldn't it good for you to advertise monthly and on every bulletin board you see? only unsafe thing is people know where you live. Be careful,good luck:-]

-- Rosie (ourpinkroses@yahoo.com), March 10, 2002.

Ideal Hatchery

There is no minimum of chicks to order. There is a $20 minimum order.

-- ~Rogo (rogo2222@hotmail.com), March 10, 2002.

Hello Vince,

Where do you live? I can get you a couple of Blue Cochin Roosters if you want. I live in Southern Missouri, Ozark County.



-- http://communities.msn.com/livingoffthelandintheozarks (espresso42@hotmail.com), March 10, 2002.

The 25 chick minimum is usually so that the chicks stay warm enough during transit. Check around at your local feed stores or maybe with some friends and see if they'll split an order,most of the time it doesn't have to be all one breed either.

-- Trisha-MN (coldguinea@netscape.net), March 10, 2002.


Check with your local feed store and see when they will get their chicks in. I buy many of my Pullet Chicks from Cenex Feed store here in WA, and have been very happy with the Quality. The Feed stores should sell the breeds you are interested in.

-- Bergere (autumnhaus@aol.com), March 10, 2002.

Try Mcmurry Hatchery....It is a good hatchery

-- Jill (jsergette@yahoo.com), March 10, 2002.

Buy some hatching eggs on Eggbay.com and incubate them.

-- Joe (botaur2@yahoo.com), March 10, 2002.

I too am ordering chicks (from Murray McMurray--dealt with them in the past--they are super). However, I too didn't want 25 chicks, I just happened to tell a few friends I was ordering chicks, you'd be surprised how many wanted me to get them anywhere from 3 to 12. No problem meeting the minimum now--I'm well over 30 chicks. Maybe you could ask a few people to go in with you to get the minimum. I posted a while back asking about what type to get (I have Barred Rocks, Cochins, RIRs, Light Brahmas, & assorted Bantams). I'm going with the advice on Buff Orpingtons as well as getting some "fun chicks" for my teenage daughters--they want some more Cochins, a Frizzle, a Silkie, a Polish, a Phoenix, and a Sultan. Being they take care of the chicks--why not? I wish you much success. One more thing you might try is ordering from your farm store if you have one. Most of them will order chicks for you. Have fun!

-- Sharon (chessyemailaddy@notreal.com), March 10, 2002.

Hawks and other critters can bring your numbers down in a hurry, too.

-- Nina (Ingardenwithcat@hotmail.com), March 10, 2002.

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