Update on Mary's son, Jacob

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Country Families : One Thread

Mary let us know today that Jacob is doing well..he will remain in the ICU for a few days, but his doctor says it is just a precaution. Jacob is well enough to complain about the tube down his throat..it's always good when a kiddo is well enough to get a tad crabby in an ICU!!!!!!! Praise God...please keep Jacob and his family in your prayers..Mom is spending the days with him and Dad is there all night..they ALL must be pretty worn out!

-- lesley (martchas@bellsouth.net), March 06, 2002


Whoosh! Praise God - THANKS for keeping us updated.

-- heather (h.m.metheny@att.net), March 06, 2002.

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