Wanted meat rabbits in Ny

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I am in need of meat rabbits .I am in northern NY and am willing to travel even over the border.I would like NZ or Califorians .Will consider others. Thanks .

-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@hotmail.com), March 06, 2002


Is there a Rabbit News like we have the Dairy Goat Journal or how about the local animal auctions, feed stores, or the local farm vet or even 4-H. They all might be able to help you. Good Luck !!!

-- Helena (windyacs@npacc.net), March 06, 2002.

Have hit all the local sources .Thanks for the suggestions .

-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@hotmail.com), March 06, 2002.

Might try these two New York based links: AppleYard’s New Zealand White, http://jamiebeau.homestead.com/appleyardnzw.html AppleYard Farm Owner, James T. Hammond, Hagaman, New York and Roger Hornbeek, Hoornbeek's Rabbit Farm, 914 Queens Hwy., Accord 12404, 845- 626-2952 Flemish Giant,Californian, New Zealand.

-- BC (desertdweller44@yahoo.com), March 06, 2002.

Hi Patty, If you can't find anyone, email me privately and I'll look some NY/NJ breeders for you in my ARBA yearbook.

-- Tracey in Alabama (trjlanier@cs.com), March 06, 2002.

Patty, there is a guy on the Black Lake Road in Ogdensburg or Morristown that sells rabbits year round. I'll try to get his # and email you. Sometimes he advertises in the Pennysaver. Polly

-- (jserg45@hotmail.com), March 06, 2002.


I found an ad that appears to be a rabbitry selling out. There are 50 New Zealand does, 6 bucks, and assorted equipment for $2,000 in Greenwich, NY (Washington County). Look in www.wantaddigest.com and click on horses and livestock. Scroll down to "rabbits".

Good luck!

-- bluetick (coonhound@mindspring.com), March 06, 2002.

Patty, If you go to Ogdensburg or Morristown, let me know. We can meet. I know some people at the Hackettstown co-op aution but don't get down there any more because I work Tuesdays. If you can't find another source, maybe I can get in touch with someone.

-- Dee (gdgtur@goes.com), March 06, 2002.

Well patty, you are a disgusting person for wanting to eat rabbits. Willing to kill those innocent, defendless, cute and furry animals for meat makes you a heartless person. It is sickening to know that a person like you would go that far for meat.

-- Patty (twoloveone@aol.com), April 06, 2002.

Well if you think I am disgusting I hope you don't eat any meat at all . Whats disgusting is the way animals are treated that you buy in the supermarket . So by what you are is it is ok to kill and eat ugley animals ?

-- Patty Gamble (fodfarms@slic.com), April 06, 2002.

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